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Dovetail Drawer Boxes – Standard Cabinets

Solid oak drawer boxes featuring dovetail joints.

Below product codes are for standard drawers. For in-frame see in-frame drawer boxes.

Drawer boxes are stocked in Oak. Drawer boxes available in walnut have (W) in the code, add this to the code when requiring walnut. Please allow 12 working days for walnut.



CodeApplicationHeightCab widthDepth
DD9030Standard cabinets90300440
DD9040Standard cabinets90400440
DD9045Standard cabinets90450440
DD9050Standard cabinets90500440
DD9060Standard cabinets90600440
DD9080Standard cabinets90800440
DD9090Standard cabinets90900440
DD90100Standard cabinets901000440
Pan Drawers
DD18050Standard cabinets180500440
DD18060Standard cabinets180600440
DD18080Standard cabinets180800440
DD18090Standard cabinets180900440
DD180100Standard cabinets1801000440